Blood Orange Carrot Cake [GF]

Carrot Cake - A Classic

Yields ~ 1 Small Loaf Pan

  • 250 g | 2.5 c Almond Flour

  • 100 g | 0.5 c  Butter

  • 100 g | 0.5 c  Sugar

  • 0.5 Blood Orange Zest

  • 2 Eggs

  • 20 g | 1 Tbs  Pure Maple Syrup

  • 2 g | 0.5 tsp   Cinnamon

  • 95 g | 1 c Carrot

  • 3 g | 0.5 tsp  Salt

  • 50 g | 0.5 c Walnuts

Prep) Spray a small loaf pan liberally and line with parchment. We found this recipe likes to hold fast onto the pan it was baked in.

1) Cream the butter and the sugar together until light and fluffy.

2) Add the eggs one at a time being sure they are fully incorporated before adding the zest and maple syrup.

3) Mix in carrots followed by the dry ingredients.

4) Fold in the toasted, chopped walnuts and then smooth into a sprayed loaf pan.

5) Bake at 350° F for 30-40 minutes until the top feels slightly firm and a toothpick comes out clean.

Blood Orange Gastrique - Thique

Yields ~ 1/2 cup

  • 55 g | 0.25 c  Sugar

  • 40 g | 3 Tbs Apple Cider Vinegar

  • 60 g | 0.25 c Blood Orange Juice

1) Combine all ingredients in a small pot and set over medium-high heat.

2) Reduce the liquid by half. 


*The mixture should retain its shape if dripped onto a plate.

Cream Cheese Fluff - Like a Cloud

Yields ~ 1 cup

  • 120 g | 0.5 c  Cream Cheese

  • 30 g | 2 & 0.5 tsp Sugar

  • 10 g | 1.5 tsp  Pure Maple Syrup

  • A Dash of   Cinnamon

  • 70 g | 0.25 c  Oat Milk/Milk

1) Cream the cream cheese and the sugar together until completely smooth.

2) Add cinnamon before turning the mixer on medium speed and slowly stream in the maple syrup and the milk. 

3) Spoon the mixture into an ISI and charge it. Store in fridge until ready to serve.

* To make this without an ISI simply use heavy cream instead of milk and whisk it in into medium peaks. Then spoon into a piping bag and you're good to go!

Candied Walnuts - Great for snacking

Yields enough to snack on while you work.

  • 90 g | 0.75 c  Walnuts

  • 40 g | 3 Tbs  Sugar

  • 3 g | 0.5 tsp  Salt

  • 20 g | 1 Tbs & 1 tsp Water

1) Combine all ingredients in a small pot and set over high heat.

2) Stir constantly to make sure you obtain an even coating of sugar and so the walnuts don't burn.

3) Cook until the nuts are covered in a medium amber caramel and then dump them out onto a tray lined with parchment paper to cool.


Matcha Blondies [GF]


Tahini Caramel Bars & Hawaij Hot Cocoa [GF & DF]